Since we are trying to keep our prices low, we ask that you first consult the information posted on our website before picking up the phone. In fact, most of what our phone team can tell you comes straight off our website. By using our self-help support area, you'll enable us to keep our prices low and focus on providing the best spam filtering service on the planet.
Side note: Our email support team is the best available... If you can't get the answer you need on the phone or website, try email.
Thanks for your help!
Common FAQ's:
Is the 30 day trial period 100% free?
Yes! The 30-day trial period is completely free, even if you're adding a second or third domain to an existing account. We only collect your payment information after 30 days. If you're not impressed by the performance of SpamScrutiny then simply switch your domain away any time during the trial. more...
How effective is SpamScrutiny?
Remarkably effective. Because our filtering rule base is updated multiple times per day by real humans, SpamScrutiny is able to block new spam messages that our competitors often miss. We are so confident that you will be impressed by our service that we offer a 30 day free trial so you can try it without spending a dime.
Is your service compatible with my email software or mail server?
Because there is nothing to install on your computer or on your mail server, SpamScrutiny will work with virtually all email software and mail servers.
If there's nothing to install, then how can SpamScrutiny block my spam?
When email is sent to your domain, the sending server checks your domain's MX record. This record tells the world what mail server handles your email. When you subscribe to the SpamScrutiny service, you will change your domain's MX record so that it points to our mail servers instead of your domain's actual mail server. At that point, all your email will be routed to our servers, where your email will then be filtered and just the good mail will be forwarded on to your real mail server.